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awards 2023 summit 07

The first Life Cycle Assessment Calculator for the lighting industry

Easily calculate the environmental impact of all lighting fittings
with EF3.1 and WORLD+ methodologies


Be part of the solution

For lighting designers

Enhance your eco-lighting design. Create products with replaceable parts and reusable materials in order to produce less waste. Create efficient circular design.

LCA Calc eco lighting design

For lighting manufacturers

Assess and reduce the environmental impact of your luminaires. Use life cycle assessment methods to make informed decisions.

LCA Calc environmental impact of luminaires

Lifecycle Assessment

The tool is to be used to do the assessment of the environmental footprint of LED light fixtures through the life cycle assessment methodology. It covers the materials production, the fixture manufacturing, its distribution, use and end-of-life. Data on the materials used to manufacture the fixture, on its manufacturing, distribution, use and end-of-life are used as inputs to the modelling.

LCA Calc Diagram

Smart Eco-lighting Metrics

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About us

Tiphaine Treins, founder and principal of Temeloy – Eco-Lighting Innovator, is a leading-edge lighting designer who integrates state-of-the art technology with innovation, beauty, creativity and sustainability. Treins, a French national, is currently based in London. Since 2017 she is leading the innovation in sustainability applied to lighting.
The International Reference Center for Life Cycle of Products, Services and Systems (CIRAIG) is a research group and center of expertise on sustainability and. Through leading-edge research, expert services on sustainability, and education, the CIRAIG aims to shape and implement metrics focused on life cycle thinking.


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Get started with LCA Calc

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